Men's wear fashion illustration resource book

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Front body view with a three quarter head view. Three quarter body view, static pose with a three quarter head view.
Figure templates for fashion illustration. Male figure croquis.
Figure templates for fashion illustration. All male figure croquis at the glance.
All male figure croquis at the glance.
A boxy jacket step by step drawing tutorial.
Menswear fashion illustration. Jacket.
Garment details, drawing on a template, terminology matched with illustrations.
Menswear fashion illustration. Pants.
Examples of fashion sketching for menswear project.
Layered look with a long tailored jacket.
A roomy long coat with exaggerated details and heavy topstitching.
Fashion sketching for menswear
Examples of fashion sketching for menswear project.
Layered look with a hooded vest and long coat.
Relaxed look with a long hooded jacket and baggy pants.
Examples of fashion sketching for menswear project.
Hat styles illustrated with all details and stiches.
Menswear fashion accessories. Hat styles.
Gallery of shoes with all details and stiches.
Menswear fashion accessories. Shoe styles.
Gallery of details for pants and trousers with all seams and stiches.
Garment details for menswear.
Selection of menswear sketches in different fashion styles.
Gallery of sketches for menswear.